A couple of days ago, I received an award from
Roses and stuff. It made me feel very happy - and proud! Thank you very much! By accepting this award, I'm supposed to pass it along to 10 other blogs that I find interesting and well worth reading. About a month ago I joined Blotanical, where I am invited into other people's gardens and I have been visiting many wonderful garden blogs there. I have chosen some garden blogs, some "sky watch Friday" and some Norwegian blogs I love.
First of all I want to give an award back to
Roses and stuff, Kattarina has a beautiful garden blog which I love. The second goes to
Digital photography- Photographs from Thailand... His photos are gorgeous! My third award goes to
Indo Grahams- A photo blog, he shows the most beautiful under water photos. He has a cute little girl he photographs as well. My fourth award goes to
Digital Flower pictures, this blog has beautiful flower photos. The fifth award goes to
My pocket, this is one of my favorites! Visit the blog and you will understand why I love it. Number six goes to
On 2 Wheels. Gawo travels on two wheels and on her feet and she shows us wonderful photos. Number seven goes to
Kadalorathil, he has beautiful sunset photos on his blog. Number eight goes to
Som dagene går (As days goes by). Her photos are amazing! The next award goes to
Faire garden which I met through
Blotanical. She has wonderful flowerphotos on her blog. And last but not least
Ida's little corner of the world. I love her blog and I have learnt a lot from her! Ida's blog is my favorite blog!
20 kommentarer:
Beautiful flowers.
Wonderful color.
I like flowers very much also.
Come visit.
I have bookmarked your site. It's great.
Beautiful flower pictures Marie! I visited some of the blogs you mentioned and they are great. A couple of them I already visit.
Congratulations on your award!
Thank you Marie - that's really sweet of you!
Thank you so much Marie.
Så hyggelig av deg å gi meg denne. Det tar jeg som et stort tegn på at du kikker innom ofte hos meg og liker det du finner. Takk skal du ha for alle hyggelige kommentarer du legger igjen.
Jer er litt usikker på om jeg kan ta med meg Awarden for regelen er vel at jeg skal videreføre den til 10 andre? De bloggene som jeg besøker ofte, og liker godt har denne fra før av. Og jeg har delt ut flere Awarder i det siste så nå blir det en liten stopp hos meg.
Men hyggelig av deg var det som sagt, og jeg ble glad for denne oppmerksomheten på en fin søndag.
Du har noen nydelige bilder idag og nå skal jeg ta meg tid til å besøke alle de ukente bloggene som du nevner. Klem til deg fra meg. :-)
Må bare få takke for fin hilsen med "award". Nå ble jeg overrasket. Håper du har en flott søndag. Ønsker deg ei fin ny uke:)
Marie, thanks so much for this excellent award, I appreciate your thinking of me and very much think your flowers photos are glorious. Thanks again,
Frances at Faire Garden
Marie, congratualations on your award. You deserve it!! I will visit your links that you have passed the award to, I am sure they are wonderful blogs worthy of a visit!
Your spring flowers are stunning. I always find such beauty when I come here. Amazing!
1000 TAKK kjære venn! :)))
Fin omtale fra deg som varmer meg. Det inspirerer. Skal sørge for å gi den videre til noen som fortjener det. :)
Du fortjener den selv også. Gratulerer.
Vi har hatt ett nydelig vær her i dag. Har vært på skogstur med jentene. Har knipsa og knipsa... ;) Både i skogen og i hagen.
Ja det var en god ide.Da tar jeg Awarden med meg og så sier jeg enda en gang takk til deg. Det er godt å ha noe på lur.
Congrats on the award! And beautiful spring flowers and captures of them! I love the second to last shot~the close~up of the Muscari...beautiful!!
Have a great week!
Really gorgous flower photos, Marie, it looks like spring has come to your part of the world.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your pictures are beautiful. I especially like the daffodils in the snow.
Gratulerer med en så fin award!
Fikk en skikkelig sommerfølelse av alle de nydelige blomstene dine!:)
Jeg har nå sådd noen frø i helgen, så nå gjenstår det bare å se om det kan bli noe utav de til sommeren:)
Ha en finfin dag!
Klem fra chatrine:)
Stunning flower close-ups!
And 'congrats' on the award.
Så utrolig flotte blomster bilder Marie!!!
Dette var jo en award med mening i. Veldig fortjent...gratulerer så mye!
Håper du har en fin dag.
Hi Marie,
Thanks very much for thinking of me when handing out your award! I am flattered.
Oh thank you Marie! I'm so touched (once more) and glad to know you. I've been thinking of you often lately, such a happy surprise to receive this. Hope you are well, enjoying spring. Love your flower photos! Love xoxo
Thanks so much for visiting my blog Marie. Your flower photos are absolutely beautiful!! I love the macro shots.
Lovely flowers! I have grape hyacinth for the first time this year. Yours are beautiful. Thank you for stopping by my blog.
I can see why you won an award for your blog ~ the photography is incredible. I LOVE the grape hyacinth close up. It inspires me to try harder. Congrats.
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