Some days ago I took these photos of a beginning lunar eclipse. I was very excited of the opportunity, but suddenly the moon disappeared behind a cloud. So this is all I got.

The two last photos are taken through a binoculars.

For more Sky watch photos visit the
Sky Watch blog here.
If you want to walk with me in the countryside please look at my prevous post :)
70 kommentarer:
love ur moon
Hope you have time also to visit me in here Thanks
gorgeous shots
My SWF : in here Thanks
Godt gjort å ta så bra bilder av månen gjennom en kikkert - jeg hadde ikke tort å prøve en gang.
Very unique pictures and beaut too!
Beautiful, my fav the middle one.
What you did get is lovely. Clouds will sometimes just not allow more.
These are superb!
Too bad about the lunar eclipse, Marie. But the photos you did get are very, very nice!
I would be excited to get just this many, Marie.
These are marvelous! I love the framing on the middle one.
All so nicely done.
Hi Marie..
The last picture is so nice.. I know it lacks detail but it s a delicate view and one that I like.
Har selv prøvd å bruke kikkert. Kan funke det ser jeg :-)
Flott fanget dette Marie!
Her var det overskyet pluss at jeg glemte det. :-)
Nice to see a documentation of the lunar eclipse, I was at the lake, got the moon reflektions in the water, but I forgot my camera.
Thanks for sharing this.
Ha en fin helg
The frame of the binoculars framed the not-quite-perfect moon circle really effectively!
Over the moon with these shots. I especially enjoy #2. Have a good week.
Fantastic shots!! So clear and gorgeous! Well done!!!!
Great shots, Marie!
Marie, so sorry the cloud took away your eclipse experience. Beautiful shot regardless.
The moon really is something special, great sky watch!
Oh! This is lovely! Neat idea to capture the moon through binoculars. Very nice SW post.
Marie: It is wonderful when you get to capture an Eclipse
That first shot is my fave:D
Mine is here;
Sky Watch #8
your photos are more excellent than mine, you have a perfect captured of the moon, happy SWF to you. If you have time visit me here:
These are as beautiful as dreams.
fantastic photos there. Great moon shot
What a magical time to see a lunar eclipse. You really got a lot of gorgeous photos of the moon.
Så flotte bilder Marie!
Veldig spesielt de du har fått til å knips gjennom kikkerten!!
Ha en fin kveld.
wow great idea with the shots love them!
Hello !
Beautiful moon !
Real rhapsody in blue. Wonderful.
wow! just look at the moon! very nice shot!
I'm so glad someone cought such lovely shots of the moon. Thank you.
Beautiful moon and photo.
They are wonderful!! I would never have thought to take photos through binoculars -- great idea!
Beautiful shots, elegant!
The clouds always come then. Where I live we have 310-320 days of sun a year. You can bet that if there is an eclipse or meteor shower, it will be on one of the 45-55 cloudy days.
What you got is wonderful, though. Really nice job on the eclipse.
Norway is so much like our Northwest. Clouds get in our way, too.
You have gorgeous photos on your site!
To much clouds in Belgium during the moon eclipse. Happy to see them here. Very nice pictures.
Dirkjogt, Belgium
Ja. Det var en flott kveld.
Vi knipsa i veg her også. Gjennom stjernekikkerten.
Bildene dine fra kvelden er fine.
Flotte komposisjoner Marie.
God helg til deg! :)
Kjempestilig. Snakk om å få til pastellfarget måne. Smart tenkt å ta bildet gjennom en kikkert.
Ha en fin helg.
Hello !
Beautiful moon !
Månelyst hos deg også idag. Mange "måner" har jeg sett på skywatch, men ingen bilder er like. Morsomt! God helg:)
that middle one is very clever - i like the effect.
Enjoyed browsing through your blog. Impressed with you binoculars moon image! Blue Skies-Ken
Very cool
Nice one and pretty moon...
Really neat! I would never have thought to use binoculars to take the photos.
Heldige du! Jeg bare ELSKER månen! Og er stadig på jakt etter den. Skulle gjerne ha funnet "din" måne. Nydelige bilder alle sammen og så fint redigert:)
Beautiful moon shots.
I love the middle shot!
Beautiful, Marie, as always :)
te var das utrolig vakkert, Marie -virkelig! Så lurt å fotografere gjennom en kikkert - den var ny! Ha ei fin helg! Klemmer**
Knalltøft å ta bilde gjennom en kikkert!!
Beautiful. Norway is so beautiful and you seem to know how to capture the beauty. I have been looking at your pictures from previous posts. Wow!
Great shot of the moon. I love the soft color around it.
Flotte bilder :o)
Ønsker deg og dine ei knallfin helg!
Hemidal~they are beautiful skywatch captures! I am loving that second shot~it should be framed and hanging on the wall!
Happy weekend~I must come back and catch up on your beautiful post!
Happy sky~watching!
They are great, really!
Here we could see the eclipse clearly, but I missed it... :(
Very, very marvelous sky and moon!
I liked your capture!
Have a happy weekend!
Det må jeg si ble fine bilder.
Tenk å få det til igjennom kikkerten,ikke dårlig.
Takk for kommentar inne hos meg.
Vil ønske en fortsatt god helg.
KLem fra meg...
Kjære Marie! Jeg kommer litt sent på besøk. Har holdt på med et hekleprosjekt som jeg måtte ha ferdig til i kveld. Skal i 40 års dag og vi skal ha "spansk aften" og kle oss der etter. Jeg liker ikke så godt å kle meg ut (hehe!) så valget mitt falt på en enkel svart kjole (fant den på salg til 300,- :D) og i siste liten bestemte jeg meg for å hekle et sjal i mørkt rødt mohairgarn og ta en rød rose i håret. Det blir vel litt spansk håper jeg!
Nå ligger sjalet i press, men jeg har heklet som om jeg hadde fanden etter meg - til langt på natt:P
Månebildene dine er så bra og det du hadde redigert litt med sort ramme på - er et postkort.
Så flott!
God helg til deg og dine!!!
PS! Går det bra med alle lammene dere fikk i våres. Hvor mange ble det totalt?
Nå har akkurat Norge tatt håndballgull, så smilet går rundt her:D
Oj, du hadde tatt det bilde gjennom en kikkert! Bra gjort!!!
Så flotte bilder av månen!
Det var godt gjort å få et så bra bilde av den. Du er flink!
Utrolig at det går an å ta bilde gjennom kikkerten!
Ønsker deg ei god helg!
det er andre skygger enn måneformørkelse som preger nyhetene fra Heimdal i dag
Flotte bilder
rett sted rett tid
En mann ble natt til lørdag funnet død utenfor en bil på Heimdal i Trondheim
det ser du hvor lett det er å tolke nyheter med egne øyne
Wow those are simply stunning!
Hi Marie, what majestic photos! I'm sorry the moon interferred with your plans to get more pictures. The ones you were able to shoot are stunning.
Wish I could ever see the lunar eclipses - they are either on the wrong side of the world or it's cloudy where I am. Thanks for posting these views!
We've been having some excitement here in Laos. My SWF offering shows scenes of floods and sandbagging over here.
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